
The Special Victims

Oh today. It was hard. Harder than most hard days.

There are things that happen in this world that no one can begin to comprehend. I left today with two things on my mind: noise and silence.

The noise: people rushing in, shoes squeaking, talking, orders being written, flashing of the camera, computers beeping, monitors sounding, phones ringing.

The silence: nothing. Not a breath or a cry.

How do we, the caregivers from every discipline cope? How do we keep going?

Does time heal the broken-hearted? We need such a great amount of resilience…we aren’t miracle makers.

If I can sing that sweet child a song before Jesus takes them home, then I have done my job.

One thought on “The Special Victims

  1. Oh my what a very difficult day!  I hope you have found some peace and tranquility this evening.  Bless you for the difficult work you do.  You truly have a calling and have answered the Lord’s call. You are indeed special and in a specialty that most of us could never conceive of much less deal in daily.  Love you SP Sandra Peterson


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